Sunday, 11 October 2015

Animal Behaviour Studies: Pets

I woke this morning to find yet another post on Facebook concerning a study that showed pets run your household. Why is this even study worthy? Any cat owner will tell you that they sold themselves in to indentured servitude the second they allowed that cute, armed, furry little despot into their home.

There are some who believe that they have trained their cat to keep off the work surfaces in the kitchen or not to pee in the house plants. Mmmm, I think not! The moment your back is turned, they'll be rubbing their butts on the chopping board and digging holes in the soil at the back of the pot.

So why do we persist in letting them share are homes? Well, I could rationalise and say that we have a vermin problem in my area or that they keep my home fly free in summer (yes, guys, I do appreciate the effort and, no, you don't have to do it in front of me to prove it). The truth however, is far more sinister. Cats have developed those big eyes and cute facial expressions deliberately to manipulate us. It's not for nothing that they look and sound like babies you know!

Still, what can you do? They are cuddlesome and keep your bed warm on a cold winter's night. Oh, and the purring. Mustn't forget the purring.... and that soft fur..... I love you soft lad/lass..... where was I? Did I mention their ability to hypnotise?