Saturday 30 October 2010


My question today is "when is ending a friendship the right thing to do?".

I am blessed in that I have always had friends I can talk about anything with. A select sub-set of these I can say anything to, confident that they always know it comes from love and companionship. I know I can laugh, cry, sympathise with and argue against with these friends, confident that any misunderstandings will be quickly addressed and put aside. These friends I love with all my heart.

Then there are the fair weather friends. Those that can always be counted on to be around in good times, but have a habit of disappearing during the bad ones. Or those you always have to be a little wary of saying what's really on your mind with. Maybe those that never deliver on their promises. I find these friends acceptable strangely enough. It's an honest situation; I know where I stand with them.

It's what to do about those friends who change over time into something you no longer recognise that I struggle with. Adversity can bring the worst out in all of us. I'm as guilty as the next of snapping at a loved one when I'm in pain and unable to vocalise my misery. Thanks to a special few, I'd like to think that I've improved in this respect over the years, but I know I still do it from time to time.

I'm not talking about the emotional vampires either. They show their true colours soon enough and I have a ruthless streak in me that terminates such relationships pretty quickly, albeit by simply vanishing into the woodwork. No, it's those that seem to metamorphose into a different person. Sometimes this seems to be the result of them becoming involved in a damaging relationship or developing an addiction. Other times, you wonder if the side you are now seeing was always there and you were simply blind to it.

It's natural I think, to try to help at first, to be patient and understanding even when they cut you to the core. At what point do you say enough is enough however? I guess if I were a better, kinder person, I'd keep trying but when trying becomes self-damaging, what then? When the lying becomes entrenched and the hypocrisy level becomes unsupportable?

I want to tell it like it is but I know my words would go unheard.

So, my now former friend, this is goodbye. Two years is long enough. My only regret is that I couldn't be a better friend and stay until you loved yourself again.


  1. Wow Very deep. I am new to your blog and enjoy your writing style very much. Like myself, I have begun to realize that people you 'thought' were close friends and you 'thought' you could share everything with can turn out to be the ones who leave you out in the cold the quickest.
    It hurts the most when these people who evolve from what you once knew them to be into someone totally ugly, are oneyour a family member. This is when it hurts the most. Friends come and go and God willing you will be surrounded with more positive people in your life.
    <3 XoXo Um Abdulkarim

  2. MashAllah you write so well Fiona and I know just what you mean and have experienced it all. It seems most people now days are those fair weather friends and after awhile I had to say enough is enough and distance myself from them as well and I feel so much better. Sometimes like you said you just gotta say bye.

  3. Thanks Ladies. It makes me feel better about my decision knowing that you've gone through similar situations.
