Monday 27 June 2016

Brexit Refendum 1, The Conspiracy

Referendum I, The Conspiracy (draft outline)

Act 1 : Cameron and his confidents are introduced as is the concept of Brexit. It is revealed that they secretly want out of the EU whilst presenting the contrary to the world.
Act 2 : Slowly the reasons for their wanting Brexit are revealed: some by ideology, the inner circle because they have knowledge hidden from other member states that would produce a seismic shift in the economic and/or political landscape in Britain's favour, one because he had been in thrall to Osborne' since toadying for him at bording school.
Act 3 Boris is systematically fed disinformation that says the result will be remain. His ego and ambition won't countenance being wrong about his (faux) supporters wihin the Conservative party, believing his reward for falsely supporting Leave will be the leadership after Cameron.
Act 4 Farage's secret mole, Conservative Head Quarter's Lavatory Technician (Bogman) is revealed. A non-descript, ratty individual has ears like a bat and the tall cubicle doors given him plenty of opportunity to eavesdrop, or so Farage thinks. Bogman is actually Cameron's secret half brother.
Act 5 Opens with Boris shocked face at being booed by the crowd after the result is announced, so utterly convinced as he was that the vote was being rigged by a team of shadowy figures in 'Cube', 'Cube' members spent election night in an 'office' built by the BBC's set team in the basement of Boris' own country home. Something he never discovers as he's always taken inside a blacked out van in Bank of England livery.
Act 6 Slowly Boris realises his political aspirations are dashed as he watches Cameron's top team surge in popularity following a deliberately slow start as they take charge. They wait out the implosion of the Labour party from Churchill's old war rooms, chilled Bollinger by their sides as markets crash and far right thugs take to the street, inflamed by MI5 operatives.
Act 7 Farage never really does realise he was an unwitting pawn in the government's game nor ever hears of Cube's codename for him (Stoogelite).
Conclusion The film ends withe the general populace either subdued to inaction by fear (Remainer's is obvious, Leavers due to fears for personal safety) or running amok in the streets. Some have had their narrow mindedness deliberately channelled by years of Conservative propaganda, others are just out to loot. Some outlying rural areas have disintegrated totally and the film closes on scenes of strange fertility rituals venerating faded EU motiffs.
The stage is set for the next film in the series :
Act 1 : Starting at the end of the film, viewers are confused to see Margaret Thatcher in charge of a renewed and reinvigorated England whilst Scotland is fighting the fiscal hangover from hell, Viewers are disoriented as inconsistencies in fashion, cars etc to Thatcher's era become apparent. Farage is glimpsed wearing a frock...
Fiona Wilson

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