Wednesday 29 June 2016

Brexit Thanks Ms M

Letter dated 29/06/2016

Dear Ms Merkel

I want to thank you for being one of the few leaders that kept calm and helped others keep their head in the first few days of my country voting to leave the EU. Frankly, the behaviour of some of my own representatives, albeit a minority, both embarrases and angers me. As for that man, Farage, well, I can only apologise to you and the rest of the Council of Ministers.

I wanted to stay as I shared the dream that is 'Europa'. Yes, and some of the concerns over further integration and other issues. But mainly the dream.

The actions of the few in my country who are using the result to commit acts of violent race hate to expat Germans and other nationalities makes me ashamed to be British.

One sad Brit,

Kind Regards,

Fiona Wilson

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